Weekend Hamradio..

Sometimes you do get amazed by in what mysterious ways that nature works. This weekend has been on of those times when I get that "wow"-feeling while at the rig. One of my fascinations about this hobby is just the "nature" part of communicating with distance stations, the way we use nature and natural phenomenons... Continue Reading →


The activity for SJ7SOP in the SM6 area is slowly coming to it's end as me and the family are leaving the summer QTH tomorrow. So far I've managed to get about 50 worked stations during my stay. I't could have been more but the family activities comes first. However I'm satisfied with my activity... Continue Reading →

Evening pleasures..

Today, Monday, has been a day of from work for me. The day of was much needed because I've been struck by the flue, as the last one in my family. The worst is over but the constant headache isn't  really helping my creative side for the article I'm about to publish here on the blog.... Continue Reading →

Project progression..

The portable QRP project is moving forward and I've started to look at putting it all together. I have started to focus on the power supply for the portable kit. The battery of choice is a cheap lead type battery with a nominal voltage of 12V and has 7.2Ah capacity. The battery and a suitable... Continue Reading →

Project digimode QRP portable, the first steps…

Today it's saturday and I have actually nothing planned this weekend. Therefore I decided to startup one of this years projects, my QRP Portable digimode project. The goal with this project is to have a working solution for working digimodes (JT65/9 and PSK31/63) portable with my FT-817ND.  I've been giving this project some thought earlier and... Continue Reading →

2015 Projects

As it is the beginning of the new year I've started to think about future projects and activities. During the autumn of 2014 I.ve collected both som ideas and material to start som inteteresting builds and projects. My goals for this year is: Renovate and improve my Inverted-V multiband antenna.Some renovation is required on the wire connection... Continue Reading →

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